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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/12/2009
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
January 12, 2009

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Dawn Marshall, Gordon Jones, Zach Boyajian and Jamie Pike, Secretary.
Other Present:  Lucille Noel

Mr. Mann called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
The minutes of December 8th were reviewed and a motion was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Ms. Marshall to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Ms. Noel was present this evening to present a draft warrant article that is to be submitted to the Board of Selectmen.  The warrant article is to establish a Town ordinance for stonewall protection.  The current State RSA is not viewed as very enforceable.  This warrant article was suggested during a recent meeting of the Master Plan Steering Committee which had a seminar on historic preservation.  Ms. Noel is seeking Commission support for the ordinance.

Mr. Mann motioned for the Commission to support in concept the establishment of a stonewall protection ordinance pending the outcome of the Master Plan survey and full understanding of the details of the ordinance.  Motion seconded by Mr. Andrews.  Motion passes.

The Commission reviewed the draft goals for 2009 and determined the final goals as follows:

Develop and improve the entrance to MSCA
Develop input into the Town master planning effort
Develop and update the Commission website
Continued easement monitoring and review
Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area
Blackman properties (3)
Drinon property
Whittmore parcel
Natural resource and open-space protection
Feasibility determination of dam establishment for Marsh Pond

Mr. Andrews presented the Board with an updated Land Protection brochure.  A finalized copy will be distributed and prepared for printing.
Mr. Pike reported that Mike Seraikas has requested information regarding the acceptance of a Conservation Easement of the Camping World property.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary                         Robert Mann, Chairman